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NCSH is a cross-sectoral network
boosting sustainable healthcare on
the global arena, the Nordic way.

Become a member
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NCSH is a cross-sectoral network boosting sustainable healthcare
on the global arena,
the Nordic way.

Become a member

Upcoming events

28 Feb
Sneak-Peak of the 2025 Trend Report
Date 2025-02-28 14:00 - 15:00

Our News

Logokarta 27 Jan 2

The network

Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (NCSH) is a cross-sectoral network boosting sustainable healthcare on the global arena, the Nordic way. Our member platform enables multistakeholder partnerships and innovative matchmaking across borders.

Members & Partners

Network News

Grønnköpingkið – The world's greenest hospital

Visit the world'sgreenest hospital

The fictional city of Grønnköpingkið is building a new university hospital. Ready to operate in 2030, the digital hospital will be the greenest and most sustainable hospital in the world. In it, you find ready-to-be-used Nordic innovative solutions that already exist on the market.


Latest Reports

  • 2024: DesHealth – Reports

    This report is part of the project DesHealth: A systemic design approach to education and training on sustainable healthcare. The purpose of this article, a questionnaire (survey) was shared with relevant stakeholders to evaluate existing green skills...
  • 2024: DesHealth – Report on emerging skills needs

    This report is part of the project DesHealth: A systemic design approach to education and training on sustainable healthcare. The content of the report builds on joint research and interviews carried out by the project partners to understand the...
  • 2024: Circle Health – Circular management in healthcare:...

    The Erasmus + project Circle Health has made available this tool kit, which includes a guideline and best practices. Partners in the project are NCSH and the Association of Non-Medical Healthcare Managers (SNKOZ) in Poland. The tool kit is informed...

Want to improve your sustainability performance?

We tailor our services to suit your needs – whether you are a company, hospital, region, state agency, or simply an actor looking for guidance in the new industry of sustainable healthcare.


We can help to improve your sustainability performance in the healthcare field

Scandic Triangeln

Location information

1 Rådmansgatan

Upcoming events


Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare
Södra Promenaden 51
211 38 Malmö

Detailed contact information →

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Contact us

Eager to know more about the Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare and what we can offer you?

+ 46 (0) 40 606 55 80

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Part of Stiftelsen TEM since 2015.

Our digital hospital

Grønnköpingkið, the greenest hospital in the world. Visit

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