World's Greenest Hospital LIVE


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Look no further: Grønnköpingkið University Hospital – the World’s Greenest Hospital – is the opposite to reinventing the wheel!

The digital hospital showcases sustainable products and services that are ready to be installed and used in your hospital, today. 

In this webinar, we will explore the world's greenest hospital, a beacon of innovation and sustainability in the healthcare sector.
Participate to hear about the healthcare solutions from the Nordics, and how to access them. 

Register here

Date: 12 June 2025

Time: 14.00- 16.00 CET

Location: Online (Zoom)

Key Highlights 

Discover Nordic Sustainable Solutions: Uncover innovative, eco-friendly products and services from the Nordics that can bring sustainability to your hospital today. 

Inspiration for Healthcare Leaders Worldwide: Engage with specially curated content for healthcare management and suppliers, crafted to inspire sustainable change across the industry.

More information about the speakers will be available shortly.

Exclusive Opportunity for Innovators:
Do you have a sustainable product or service for healthcare?
Seize the chance to showcase your innovation to a global audience! Reach out to NCSH at  for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can visit the world's greenest hospital today by clicking the button below:

To Grønnköpingkið


Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare
Södra Promenaden 51
211 38 Malmö

Detailed contact information →

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Eager to know more about the Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare and what we can offer you?

+ 46 (0) 40 606 55 80

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Part of Stiftelsen TEM since 2015.

Our digital hospital

Grønnköpingkið, the greenest hospital in the world. Visit

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