2024: DesHealth – Report on emerging skills needs

si report

This report is part of the project DesHealth: A systemic design approach to education and training on sustainable healthcare.

The content of the report builds on joint research and interviews carried out by the project partners to understand the design and management issues of health systems, as well as to identify the professional competencies and green skills required by the health sector. Examples of good practices will be presented as references to current and workable cases of Sustainable Healthcare, with the goal of informing and inspiring future topics in education and training.

Responsible authors: Stiftelsen TEM (Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare) – Felicia Hedetoft and Daniel Eriksson

DesHealth is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency Erasmus+ INDIRE. Neither the European Union nor INDIRE can be held responsible for them.


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