2024: DesHealth – Report on emerging skills needs
2024: Circle Health – Circular management in healthcare: Capacity building among healthcare workers
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The Erasmus + project Circle Health has made available this tool kit, which includes a guideline and best practices. Partners in the project are NCSH and the Association of Non-Medical Healthcare Managers (SNKOZ) in Poland. The tool kit is informed by the results of the project and is a complement for trainings offered in Malmö (Sweden) and Olsztyn (Poland) during 2023. All products are designed for healthcare workers in operative, non-medical functions from Sweden and Poland. With the aim of building competence and green skills, the tool kit is an option for innovative curricula for vocational training. Authors and editors of the guidelines: Diego Angelino (NCSH) and Marcin Kautsch (SNKOZ) Circle Health is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. |
2023: Closing gaps – Techniques and solutions for reducing pharmaceutical residuals in the Baltic Sea region
2023: Sustainability in MedTech design – Methods, tools and practice
2023: Nordic Know-How #8 Financing Energy and Climate-Smart Healthcare
2022: Nordic Know-How #7 Cooling Systems
This report includes the most updated and relevant solutions installed and evaluated at Nordic hospitals. It is written together with BELOK through CIT Energy Management. Decision-makers will be provided with overarching knowledge of the systems’ significance, the technologies on the market and the main concepts, supported by practical lessons. The Nordic Know-How series is created within the project Platform for Internationalisation: Energy and Climate-Smart Healthcare, financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. |
2022: Health Use Case – Visualising the effect of a realized Vision 2030 on Nordic businesses
2022: Nordic Know-How #6 District Heating & Cooling
2022: On Indian Health Facilities, Sustainability & Climate Resilience
2021: Healthcare & Sustainable Infrastructure in Developing Countries
2021: Nordic Know-How #5 Renewable Energy Production
2021: Life Science, Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal
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NCSH has, on behalf of Business Region Gothenburg, developed 2 different matrices that will serve as a guide in how Life Science companies & organisations can work with the global goals. In addition to these two matrices, a third matrix has also been created as a guide to the European Green Deal. A shorter report has also been produced in connection with this, containing some background information for the matrices and instructions for use. Read the report in Swedish here |
2021: 2020 report on Energy and Climate Smart Healthcare
2019: White paper- Nordic Sustainable Healthcare
2020: A multi-stakeholder perspective on sustainable healthcare: From 2030 onwards
By Amina Pereno and Daniel Eriksson (NCSH).
Find at National Library of Medicine
Over the past years, the interest in sustainable healthcare has been growing globally and the transition toward environmentally, economically and socially viable health systems is perceived as inevitable and necessary. All the approaches to this emerging field are mainly focusing on short-term specific issues and involving a limited number of stakeholders. This study aimed to address the topic of the possible futures of sustainable healthcare from a multi-stakeholder perspective, in order to define a long-term scenario and the key strategies to enhance this transition. A series of workshops have involved a representative selection of stakeholders based in Nordic countries and concerned with sustainable healthcare (health industries, health providers, managing authorities, universities and research centres, clusters, NGOs and healthcare networks, professional consortia) through a collaborative foresight process. A design-based approach has been adopted to investigate the current scenario and deepen foresight outcomes. The results highlighted three different horizons and the drivers to reshape the roles of individual stakeholders, enhancing the socio-technical transition towards a desirable scenario based on collaboration between distributed dynamic networks. The identified transition strategies move from the local to the international level, focusing on innovation, information and collaboration between stakeholders. This study provides the framework for future studies to deepen the transition process towards sustainable healthcare and its implications at Nordics, European and international levels.
2020: Nordic Know-How #4 Ventilation
2020: Nordic Know-How #3 Lighting
2020: Nordic Know-How #2 Geothermal Energy
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This is the second chapter of the Nordic Know-How series, this time on the topic of Geothermal Energy. This report series is created by Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare within the project Platform for Internationalisation: Energy and Climate Smart Healthcare, financed by the Swedish Energy Agency.
Watch the Geothermal Energy Webinar on NCSH's youtube channel Here >> |