15 February | NCSH at 'The Future of Ukraine' Summit

15 February | NCSH at 'The Future of Ukraine' Summit

Our International Projects Coordinator, Diego Angelino, will be taking a seat in a panel discussion at the 2nd Future of Ukraine Summit in Stockholm, February 15th.

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The topic of the panel discussion is "Healthcare innovation: Collaborating with startups to advance patient care and treatment", aiming to contribute to the development of a resilient and sustainable healthcare sector as well as to foster the possibility for business development of Ukranian startups. What are the obstacles, but more importantly the way forward, for the startups when finding the costumer in the Swedish ecosystem? The discussion will be centred around:

  • The presentation explores Sweden's aspiration to take the lead in utilizing digital technology to enhance healthcare and how the adoption of digital tools such as video consultations, e-prescriptions, and AI-driven services can help us to get there.
  • Gain insights into the startup ecosystem from both public and private perspectives, including how large companies scout startups to get inspired by.

The summit

'The Future of Ukraine' is a two-day summit where stakeholders gather to discuss ideas of Ukraine's economic rebound.

Date: 15–16 February 2024
Location: CONVENDUM Fleminggatan 18, 112 26 Stockholm, Sweden


Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare
Södra Promenaden 51
211 38 Malmö

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