New Member: Health Proc Europe

New Member: Health Proc Europe

Health Proc Europe – with their digital health procurement ecosystem – is joining the NCSH network.

Similar to the NCSH network, Health Proc Europe aims "to involve all relevant stakeholders to ensure greater connection, trust, and value". Here is how they present themselves as our latest member:

'Since its inception in 2019, Health Proc Europe has grown to become the largest healthcare procurement ecosystem in Europe.

As a non-profit association of buyers in hospitals and healthcare facilities, it is dedicated to transforming procurement into a critical business driver that ensures superior performance for all parties involved. The association brings together like-minded experts and professionals in Europe who share a passion for driving change and improvement in healthcare procurement.

Aligned with its mission of promoting sustainability and addressing the climate crisis in the healthcare sector, Health Proc Europe's focus is enhancing supply chain resilience, reducing costs and above all improving patient health outcomes.

Health Proc Europe's CEO, Elisa Frenz, focuses on fostering interdisciplinary partnerships and promoting innovation in healthcare. She has spent over five years creating hybrid health ecosystems and building healthcare ecosystems for impact to drive change in global health systems by fostering their sustainability.'

Learn more about Health Proc Europe by visiting their website:

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