The Nordic Delegation just returned home after three inspiring days in Montreal, Canada.
The main Conference arranged in collaboration with Synergie Santé Environnement (SSE) took place the first day of the trip, on the 15th of October. The Conference attracted more than 150 participants from North America, France and the Nordics, including sustainable healthcare professionals, facility managers, regional politicians, representatives from Ministries, architects, directors, and many more. The Nordic Delegation consisted of around 20 people from companies, the Swedish Energy Agency, Nordic Innovation, Region Stockholm and the Danish Technical University.
Charlotta Brask from Region Stockholm presentating their sustainability work for healthcare.
The Conference was one day of presentations, exhibitions of solutions and innovations as well as networking opportunities for participants. Presentations were held by several participants of the Nordic Delegation. Charlotta Brask from Region Stockholm presented the climate mitigation and adaptation in healthcare in Stockholm. Region Stockholm is on a good way towards becoming climate neutral.
Thordur Reynisson from Nordic Innovation.
Thordur Reynisson from Nordic Innovation held a presentation on sustainability in the Nordics, and common environmental goals in the region. Hans Nyquist joined the Delegation as a representative of the Swedish Energy Agency. At the conference he talked about the use of energy and climate goals in Sweden.
Hans Nyquist from the Swedish Energy Agency.
The companies of the delegation were also able to hold presentations on their solutions and innovations, like Ida Virtala from Paxxo, Jens Termén from EnergyMachines, Irina Lindquist from Schneider Electric and Robert John from Terraform/EcoKey. Also Jodi Sherman, representing the NCSH member Yale School of Medicine, held a presentation on their research in sustainable healthcare. The overall interest during the conference was huge, and many new contacts between North America and the Nordics in the field of sustainable healthcare were created.
The second day consisted of a study tour to CHUM, which is a newly built hospital in Montreal. The Nordic participants got the opportunity to be guided through the new hospital building and their implemented solutions for transportation and storage of hazardous waste.
In the afternoon round table discussions were held with architects and project developers from hospitals and ministries of Montreal/Quebec with participants from the Nordic Delegation.
The third and final day in Montreal a meeting was held between NCSH and partner organisations, during which strategies for future collaborations were formulated. Many of the Nordic participants had their own parallel meetings during the day, with distributors and others.
Final day meeting between NCSH and Canadian partner organisations.
The great interest for the Montreal Conference shows the increasing focus on sustainability in the healthcare sector. The many new contacts and potential collaborations which has formed during these days are an important part of the transition towards a more sustainable sector. We want to direct a big thanks to our Canadian partners Synergie Santé Environnement (SSE) for their hard work and the very successful and inspiring Conference.
If you are interested in participating in our future conferences keep an eye on our calendar. Don’t forget to register early due to big interest.
The Nordic Delegation to Canada was financed with project funding from Swedish Energy Agency and Nordic Innovation.