Member event: 2018 EuHPN workshop ‘Research and Evalutation for Care Infrastructure Closer to Home


Our member EuHPN invitetes to this years workshop that will take place in Gothenburg

Research and Evalutation for Care Infrastructure Closer to Home

Gothenburg November 25-27

Download the outline programme for the 2018 EuHPN workshop ‘Research and Evalutation for Care Infrastructure Closer to Home’ here: Outline_programme Gothenburg 280518_03.

This year the EuHPN workshop looks at infrastructure development outside the field of grand hospital developments, by concentrating on community hospitals and smaller-scale mental health units, enhanced primary care centres and specialist health secondary care facilities.  We will be presenting cases from across Europe to help us to explore the trends and the challenges.

Our cross-cutting theme is the need for structured and well-evidenced strategic planning and design based on high quality evidence and a sound knowledge base.  As well as the contribution from traditional academic approaches to health building research, we will also explore new ways to plan, design and evaluate the built environment, by using Virtual Reality (VR) technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems.

The outline programme also has all the information you need on travel arrangements and hotel accommodation, and you can register by downloading and completing this form: EuHPN_2018_Workshop Registration


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211 38 Malmö

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