NCSH has a new addition from Ireland! Welcome to the network, the Sustainable Infrastructure Office at HSE Capital & Estates:
HSE Capital & Estates manage the Irish healthcare estate in order to provide safe, high quality healthcare infrastructure to support current and future service needs, create and sustain a physical environment that enhances wellness and aims to achieve an estate that is net carbon zero no later than 2050.
The Capital & Estates Sustainable Infrastructure Office focus is on reducing emissions from Irish healthcare buildings and implementing the actions of the HSE's Infrastructure Decarbonisation Roadmap. The office is responsible for supporting HSE Capital & Estates aim to achieve an estate that is net carbon zero no later than 2050 through energy management, behavioural change, supported engineering retrofit and upgrade works and a forward looking energy efficient and towards carbon zero design approach for all new capital works. The office also provides support to the wider HSE Climate Action Strategy in relation to healthcare water conservation and green space improvement programmes.
Learn more by visiting our new member's website:
The NCSH network is open to actors worldwide in the area of sustainable healthcare.