Did you miss the World's Greenest Hospital LIVE on May 15th? A recording of the webinar is now up on NCSH's Youtube channel:
Felicia Hedetoft (Moderator), NCSH
Nataliia Korobchynska, Health Care Department of the Vinnytsia City Council
Jörgen Stenqvist, MedicSolution
Anna Herslow Lind, Paxxo
Ross Skowronski, Mission Kharkiv
Maria Quinn, Ecophon
About the webinar
The digital hospital Grønnköpingkið – the world's greenest hospital – showcases sustainable products and services that are ready to be installed and used in your hospital, today. In the webinar, we explore the hospital as a beacon of innovation and sustainability in the healthcare sector.
We are also joined by the Health Care Department of the Vinnytsia City Council in Ukraine, who will share their practical perspective of what it means to build resilient healthcare in times of crises.
Main takeaways to expect:
- Discover sustainable products and services from the Nordics, ready to revolutionize your hospital today.
- Learn from the suppliers first-hand: MedicSolution, Paxxo and Ecophon will give you details about their groundbreaking innovations already in action – and there will be room for questions to generate even deeper insights.
- Find inspiration through tailored content for healthcare management and suppliers worldwide.
Recorded on 15 May 2024.